Management Program

2019-2020 (duration 7 days)

State of Geneva, Switzerland

Management Program

2016 (duration 5 days)

Pentair Schaffhausen, Switzerland

Management Program

2007 (duration 5 days)

Praxair Headquarters, Danbury, USA

Digital Marketing Strategy

2016 (duration 16 days)

School of Communication Arts & Digital Marketing (CREA)

Geneva, Switzerland

Laser Safety Level III

2008 (duration 4 days)

IREPA Laser, Illkirch, France


Renewable Energy Technology Fundamentals

Online non-credit course authorized by University of Colorado Boulder, USA and offered through Coursera

Certificate received on October 25th, 2021 (duration 13h)

Solar Energy Systems Overview􏰊

Online non-credit course authorized by University of Buffalo, USA and offered through Coursera

Certificate received on August 28th, 2021 (duration 9h)

Solar Energy and Electrical System Design􏰊

Online non-credit course authorized by University of Buffalo, USA and offered through Coursera

Certificate received on August 31st, 2021 (duration 17h)

Introduction to HTML5􏰊

Online non-credit course authorized by University of Michigan, USA and offered through Coursera

Certificate received on August 29st, 2020 (duration 13h)

Introduction to CSS3

Online non-credit course authorized by University of Michigan, USA and offered through Coursera

Certificate received on September 16th, 2020 (duration 12h)

Python Basics

Online non-credit course authorized by University of Michigan, USA and offered through Coursera

Certificate received on February 10th, 2020 (duration 36h)

Python Functions, Files, and Dictionaries

Online non-credit course authorized by University of Michigan, USA and offered through Coursera

Certificate received on February 2nd, 2020 (duration 32h)

Data Collection and Processing with Python

Online non-credit course authorized by University of Michigan, USA and offered through Coursera

Certificate received on March 31st, 2020 (duration 16h)

Decision-Making and Scenarios

Online non-credit course authorized by Wharton, University of Pennsylvania, USA and offered through Coursera

Certificate received on April 20th, 2020 (duration 6h)

Brand and Product Management

Online non-credit course authorized by IE Business School, Spain and offered through Coursera

Certificate received on May 24th, 2020 (duration 13h)

Machine Learning

Online non-credit course authorized by Standford University, USA and offered through Coursera

Certificate received on December 12th, 2020 (duration 54h)